Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I've come to terms with my anger that prop 8 passed, but I'm not happy about it. In fact the idea that supposedly forward thinking/diversity accepting California would let such a back-water belief be put in our constitution is embarrassing. However I feel conflicted on the stance a judge can overturn the voters' decision. Don't get me wrong, I want this overturned and it should be, but what if this was something I believed in? The people were given the right to vote on an issue, made their thoughts known and now it may possibly be overturned. If the voting decision was so wrong why was the proposition put on the ballot? That is what bothers me, there is no oversight on ballot measures. There should be a council which decides to not allow discriminatory measures put out for vote no matter how many signatures are asking for it. Asking for a decision from the people then saying, "uhm, yea, I don't like what you chose. I'm going to change it to what I think is the best." is not the way to have a democracy. If a proposal is wrong from the get go then don't let it on the ballot. Period.

With that being said, I cannot wait for the judges to overturn this idiocy.