Something’s been bothering me lately and I have to lay it out: What would you say if I asked you, “what is your biggest accomplishment?” If you are a male you’d probably answer something like your job, your touchdown pass in high school, or finishing a mountain climb. These are reasonable answers, but I find almost 8 out of 10 women I ask the answer is “my kids.” I just want to scream. Now these ladies are my mainly my friends so certain personality styles are similar, but really, what the fuck? How can a woman claim birthing a child is her greatest accomplishment? This accomplishment didn’t involve much participation on her part. Other than the sex act the rest is left up to nature. Taking vitamins and remembering to eat is not that difficult. This amazing accomplishment has been shared throughout history with royalty, crack-addicts and dogs. Wow, way to acknowledge yourself there; here’s your blue ribbon.
I love my kid. I’m proud of the person she has become and cannot wait to see what she does with her life, but I have done some amazing things before her, during and will continue to live after she moves out.
Tell you what ‘moms’ why don’t you look at your life and find something you have done and take pride in your achievement. Some hints: graduated college, bought a house, ran a marathon, led a protest, climbed half-dome, or how about acknowledging your own self worth and stop being swallowed up by the idea of motherhood.