Friday, March 6, 2009

What if I stamp my feet?

Am I the last one hanging on to a past that has left me behind? I live in the same town where I was born which I find is not too common. A good friend, one of my crew from way back, called to tell me she may be moving to Dallas soon and my heart is breaking. She will be the 2nd one in my clique to move away for opportunities our hometown could not provide.

Right now I am able to visit Connie about 4 – 5 times a year, but with Rachel moving to Dallas it won’t be possible to travel to both places as much so how do I choose? Which one do I sacrifice? I feel like a little girl lost and alone in a busy mall. Bustling shoppers whipping by with their bags and I stand apart from it all. She says "it may not happen let’s wait and see" but those are the same words said prior to Connie’s move. Once spoken, in my heart, I know it to be true: she will leave me. I don’t want to say good-bye, I don’t want to grow up and face the truth that not all lives are spent together. I want my friends to stay by my side and grow old with me. I want to continue to laugh at our lives past and present. I want it all to stay the same, I want, I want, I want! But it doesn't does it? Life is never still. People move and I remain.

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